We communicate that Bitxor Blockchain will return to the Genesis Blockchainhttps://explorer.bitxor.org/blocks/190% of the BXR that were not sold in its Start-Stake (private sale). This figure amounts to 84,458,432 BXR. The completed transaction can be validated in the Start-Stake public wallet.
The remaining 10% (9,384,270 BXR), that will be kept in the public wallet BXRCFF6RIWXAWEZ6GYEZZTJSUCR7LDITUEVAIDI, will be destined to the payment of benefits and rewards for programmers, developers, nodes, influencers and anyone who contributes to the development or improvements of the Bitxor protocol.
The rationale for burning these BXRs is a commitment to the transparency of the Bitxor Blockchain to its Community.